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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

“Legacy” ( 3 x 04 )

“Legacy”… Hm… Okay, if this is going to be about Carter and Jolinar and her FEELINGS I’m just gonna up and quit. Okay, not really, but I do very honestly hope that the major isn’t going to be weird here. That title makes me nervous though!

The episode begins with SG-1 wandering through some deserted tunnels.
(Rule #7 of Sci-fi: Do not wander dark corridors alone! Look what happened to Harry Potter every time he snuck outside the common room! They’re doing pretty good though. Four’s a solid team.)
Teal’c activates some kind of panel, and they enter a room… with nine dead Goa’uld!
Teal’c explains that these nine are lesser Goa’uld, as opposed to System Lords. Jackson finds a tablet, and they get the heck out of there, that tablet in tow…

Back on base, Jackson is starting to have hallucinations of voices. Later, after they tried to figure out how the Goa’uld were killed, he sees an SG-7 member with a corpse’s face… but it wasn’t real. He later sees an event horizon in his closet (“Mommy! There’s an event horizon in the closet! I’m scared!”) and hears voices.

He awakens in the infirmary after a particularly bad hallucination and tells O’Neill about these visions he’s been having. (It’s okay, Jackson; Johnny Smith from The Dead Zone had visions too, but admittedly they weren’t as weird as yours.) The colonel thinks he’s losing it, and even Jackson fears he’s having a nervous breakdown.

A big wig doctor thinks that the Stargate itself is causing Jackson to go schizophrenic. They plan to close the ‘Gate while all SG teams are evaluated for mental health stability. However, if Jackson doesn’t improve, they’re going to send him to a mental institution!

Just as he’s starting to feel better, though, he sees another ‘Gate hallucination, and then one of Jack getting Goa’uld’ed. He collapses… And we see something moving around in his face!
Oh, EW!! This is worse than “Bane”!

They’ve thrown Jackson into a psych ward and his hallucinations are getting worse. His team sympathizes, but there’s not much they can do. He breaks down and tries to rush at a vision, but Teal’c restrains him. Just then, a shiny, nasty, tiny, WORM thing crawls out of him and burrows into Teal’c! But they don’t believe him when he says what just happened because he’s been losing his mind. They last thing he hears is… Ma’chello’s voice?!
Oh, I hate where this is going.

Back on base, Teal’c suddenly collapses! Oh no! Jackson was right, and now Teal’c is in trouble!
It turns out that Junior is dying (noooo…!) and Teal’c has about a day to live.
Oh gawd.

Jackson seems to be getting better, but the drugs are still messing him up. He tells the doctor his hypothesis – that Ma’chello created this organism in order to kill the Goa’uld – and that it’s what made him lose it and Teal’c very sick.

Teal’c’s condition is worsening and they’re down to desperate measures. Jackson is released from the hospital and they discover that the organisms are concealed within the tablet. They get out of the decon chamber, however, and infect Carter, Fraiser, and O’Neill.
Oh. Snap.
The latter two are quickly descending into the familiar madness, but Carter’s fine, of course. In fact, the organisms drop right out of her ear, dead.

Since it’s up to her to save the day, since she’s infinitely sane compared to her companions, she tries to figure this out for herself. Carter and Jackson figure out that it’s the protein marker from Jolinar which has kept her immune. She uses the centrifuge to separate the proteins and injects them into Fraiser and O’Neill. Sure enough, the organisms drip out of them. It works!

Oh, oh wait. We’re getting there.

They try the protein injection for Teal’c and the organism comes out! He’s okay! It’s all good! Oh, happy days! Happy ending! Happy me! All is right in the world, because Teal’c is all right, and he’s the center, so without him, nothing holds. Yay for Teal’c!
/end fangirling

Final thoughts… My roommate is watching a movie with her date (why? why do they have to be in here?) in the other room and there’s this recurring musical theme that’s really annoying and has been playing for the past like fifteen minutes. It’s making it hard to concentrate.

Oh, wait, I’m supposed to write about Stargate SG-1. Well, I would, if I could hear myself think over that theme! God! I want to strangle the composer!

Ahem, um, anyways…

The other reason for my ramblings is that there’s not really much I can say or reflect upon with this episode. It was a quick go in, get infected, get out, snarky comments from O’Neill, find a cure, happy ending. It was interesting to see the sort of “return of Ma’chello”, what with all his Goa’uld-fighting inventions. I had a feeling he wouldn’t go completely away, even if he had made a body-switching device and tried to kill Jackson… so… yeah.

Another quick observation: During the scene where SG-1 visits Jackson at the psych ward, Carter has this just crestfallen look on her face the whole team. You can tell she was really worried about him and really wanted nothing but the best. I have a feeling they’ve gotten quite close over the course of the series and maybe that’s starting to come to light more. Even between him and O’Neill it was evident, and Teal’c too, of course. (I like that line, “Only your friends are here, Daniel Jackson,” mainly for how he says it. Awww. Just wanna wrap them all up in a big hug!)

It wasn’t a bad episode, but it wasn’t particularly captivating, either. Makes you wonder how many of Ma’chello’s inventions may turn up in the future!


Marie: (She rages and FFFFFFFFFFFS and is just overall very frustrated.)
Teal’c: Perhaps she requires the services of a mental institution.
Jackson: Uh, yeah, I don’t think that’ll help her.
O’Neill: Why doesn’t she just go talk to her roommate?
Carter: (Sighs) You just don’t get it, do you? …Men.

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